Current Event, February 02, 2023 - 



Natural gas prices in California have been unusually high over the last few months. An unfortunate confluence of factors, including simultaneous cold temperatures (high demand) and supply chain bottlenecks (low supply), has lead to customers seeing over a two-times higher than normal natural gas bills in early 2023. Although market conditions are normalizing, the fiscal implications of January’s price shocks and subsequent higher than average February bills will persist for many utility customers.

Download: Early 2023 Natural Gas Bill Rate Increases

The Public Advocates Office has taken steps to reduce the burden placed on consumers by filing an emergency motion for natural gas bill relief in the form of early disbursements of the California Climate Credit, and continues to advocate for the public at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and in other forums. For additional help lowering your utility bills,please see the CPUC’s bill assistance website here.

 Save money with discounted rates. Depending on your household income, you may also qualify for discounted energy service. Please review the following pages from the CPUC to see if you qualify:

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